Yoga does have a dark side.

You know, we yoga fantastics tout the benefits of yoga like it is going out of style. For most of us, it is because yoga has so profoundly changed our lives that we want to shout about it from the rooftops.

Some of us actually do shout!

But the truth is, yoga does have a dark side. There are some legitimate reasons why someone may want to consider avoiding starting or maintaining a practice. In order to save you from any pain or suffering, here is a reason you should skip the practice.

1) It will ruin chilli cheese fries.

2) It will put down your late nights.

3) Love Drama? Skip Yoga.

4) It will make you have to take responsibility.

5) It will suck the fun out of judging people.

6) It will ruin your wardrobe.

7) It will make you cry in public.

8) It will make you feel your feelings.

9) It will open your hips, shoulders and of course your heart and mind.

10) It will ruin your relationship with anything that is Self Destructive.


I hope you got it :p

-Prarthana Khot

Photo Credits: Yoga Oxford

8 thoughts on “Yoga does have a dark side.

  1. पृथिव्यां त्रीणि रत्नानि जलमन्नं सुभाषितम् ।
    मूढैः पाषाणखण्डेषु रत्नसंज्ञा विधीयते ॥

    पृथ्वी पर जल, अन्न, और सुभाषित – ये तीन रत्न है । (किंतु) मूढ लोग पत्थर के टुकडे को “रत्न” संज्ञा से पहचानते हैं !

    There are three real gems on earth : water, food and wise sayings.
    Only the ignorant considers pieces of stone as gems…

    You are a blessed soul and your writings are nothing less than real gems.

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